One Year On: How we revised our business approach to be Covid-ready and beyond

Asela Rodrigo, Managing Director with Prolojik reflects on a year of learning, change and a recognition of a new approach that offers customers outstanding service.

Like many organisations, at Prolojik we spent much of March 2020 taking stock of the rapidly escalating situation resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. We had to balance the conflicting demands of protecting our staff and customers, whilst maintaining a viable business. Just over a year later, it’s worth reflecting on what we did, how we did it and what that means for our approach going forward.

Our initial actions were fundamentally reactive, from buying all of our staff laptops to setting-up fully cloud-based IT systems to enable transparent access to business data. We provided critical field-based staff with full PPE including N95 masks, sanitisers and covered the cost of private transport and parking to all projects.

We also realised that clear, regular and concise information was also critical. To this end, we set up weekly huddle sessions and regular email updates to keep the team informed of our plans. It was clear that the emotional stress and anxiety from not knowing what was coming next was as much an issue as the risk from the pandemic itself. Whilst we did not have all of the answers, we supported the team with online social events, access to physical and mental health support through our private health care provider.

By May 2020, we had reached a steady protocol for the business and we then looked at our own enabling technologies to make proactive impact on not just our own operations, but also in a way that supported our customers. Prolojik had released Proxima back in 2018 and the events of 2020 meant that it really came into its own. This smart sensor range, which was initially focused on enhancing user experience in buildings allows mobile devices and security lanyards to interact with the building to provide location-based services. These included wayfinding, location-specific adverts using Apple iBeacon and Google Eddystone and asset tracking. We worked with technology partners and strategic clients in commercial and education sectors to repurpose these solutions for the safe occupation of spaces. By accruing data around building sanitisation, occupation density monitoring, seat usage tracking and social distancing, we were able to start a measured approach to reoccupy our own offices and also support customers do the same. The approach has allowed us to achieve an unparalleled level of insight into the spaces we manage and, as companies continue to return to their offices over this summer and autumn, will be incredibly useful for the rest of 2021 and beyond.

The culmination of our measures has really come to fruition this month with Prolojik being accredited with the IMMUNE Building Standard™ achieving a rating of ‘Strong’ for our protocols. Whilst the UK has worked hard on both preventative and immunisation measures, we are conscious that we are not through this pandemic until there is a global outcome. We have learnt so much about who we are as a company and what we are capable of over the past year and will continue to develop and enhance measures to support our own and our clients’ resilience for the future.